Sunday, 12 August 2012

Our new home

We have finally moved into our new home.


So here is a sneeky peek for those of you who are tempted to come and visit.
It is simply stunning.
My current view from the kitchen table!

Late evening over the valley.

Jack took the next two photos.
We lose the sun off the veranda at about 6pm.
 The rest of the valley is bathed is glorious light till 10.

The sun bathes the whole house from sun rise till early evening.
Such a treat.

The living room wrapped in glass.

Looking through to the sun room from the master bedroom

Friends and family montage.
 A small reminder of who we are and where our hearts lie.

We still have a few things in storage at the World Cycling Centre. Though we will have to wait for the Olympics to conclude before we can get access to them as it seems all the staff are pre occupied in London.
It has been a while since we packed them up so it will be interesting to see what treats we brought with us to add a little kiwiana to our Swiss chalet. 
The Kids are most excited about their own rooms and having space to run and play. After three months of single room apartments and three people in a two person tent it certainly nice to spread ourselves far and wide and unpack our worldly processions.
Both Jack and Jess are keen to put their own posts up on the blog about their rooms once they have got their them just so....the suspension builds.
Each season here sounds as stunning as the last with winter boasting more sunlight hours than summer...should be interesting from our high vantage point right next to the ski lifts. Though so far summer will be very hard to beat.
We have been super lucky securing the house from a lovely kiwi family heading to warmer climes in Abu Dhabi. And I know it was with heavy hearts that they left this beautiful place.
We also have another kiwi couple living next door....go figure, we are in the middle of Europe up a bloody big mountain...who would have thought!
I can see a few funny nights on he horrizan!
School starts again on the 27th of August and both the kids are looking forward to it after spending days on end hanging out with the locals.
Tim starts his new job on the 1st of September and by all accounts is looking forward to two weeks being unemployed and just hanging out with us. What was he thinking?
I know he is not the only one as the count down is well underway.

Thanks for checking in once again and seeing where we are and what we are up to.
Take care,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Fee, Tim, Jack & Jess, what an awesome place to live, how lucky you are...! Fee what a place, sounds like you guys are settling in which is fantastic, you will be pleased Tim's back so you can enjoy together as a family. I think we will have to come and visit you guys...will start make some plans...Keep up the great posts! XXX Jos
